Warkworth coaching

Personalised Health & Wellbeing Coaching

ph360 Personal Health Coaching What is it?

ph360 is the world’s first personalised health platform based on epigenetics. It uses 10,000 data points and 500 ratios to analyse your genetic expression so that it can tell you exactly how to use factors in your everyday life to get and stay healthy. The algorithm has been in the making for the past 20 years and uses a base of 15 different sciences to calculate your Personal Health Code. We’re seeing people lose weight and keep it off when they’ve never been able to before, be rid of digestive issues, and even the reversal of diabetes symptoms and chronic pain.

All simply from finding out that Personal Health Code that is already inside your body and putting it into practice.

You can find out what you are just click here for a simple questionnaire.

Dr Lindsay is an endorsed ph360 coach and is here to help. Give us a call or email to set up a time and she can answer any questions.